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Given 2 numeric vectors defining a 2 dimensional space, and a specified number of bins, this function compute the count for each bins in the 2 dimensional space and return the result either as a dataframe or a matrix. It is also possible to specify a grouping vector to obtain as much count matrix as the number of specified groups.


  x = NULL,
  y = NULL,
  nbins = 100,
  groups = NULL,
  output = c("matrix", "data.frame"),
  na.rm = TRUE



A numeric vector used as the first dimension of the matrix.


A numeric vector used as the second dimension of the matrix.


A numeric value indicating the number of bins in both vertical and horizontal directions (default = 100).


A character or numeric vector used as a grouping variable to split the count matrix.


A character string indicating whether the result should be returned as a dataframe or a list of matrix (depending on the number of groups, if groups is NULL, the function returns an unique matrix).


A logical value (i.e., TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds (default = TRUE).


This function returns the number of counts over the two specified dimension (x and y) according to the number of specified bins (nbins argument). The resulting output can be either a dataframe or a list of matrix depending on the output argument and the number of groups specified by the groups argument.




test <-
countMat(x = round(rnorm(5000, mean = 50 , sd = 10)),
         y = round(rnorm(5000, mean = 50 , sd = 10)),
         nbins = 10,
         output = "matrix")
#>       x
#> y      18.45 25.35 32.25 39.15 46.05 52.95 59.85 66.75 73.65 80.55
#>   17.6     1     0     0     4     0     4     3     0     0     0
#>   24.8     0     0     6     8    13     9     7     5     0     0
#>   32       1     5    15    42    64    83    61    17     3     2
#>   39.2     1    12    38   136   171   198   128    52    17     2
#>   46.4     2    17    94   242   392   361   244   107    23     1
#>   53.6     4    14    59   208   313   376   218    77    15     4
#>   60.8     4    17    46   101   204   186   120    50     8     4
#>   68       0     6    22    51    76    77    55    19     8     0
#>   75.2     0     3     3     7    10    15    10     4     4     0
#>   82.4     0     0     4     1     4     2     0     0     0     0

# it is then possible to draw the count distribution in the 2d space using plotly
if (FALSE) {
# draw the 3d plot using plotly 

# initialize the plot
fig <- plotly::plot_ly(x=~colnames(test), y=~rownames(test), contours = list(
  z = list(
    show = TRUE,
    start = round(min(sqrt(test)),-2),
    project = list(z = TRUE),
    end = round(max(sqrt(test)),-2),
    size = max(sqrt(test)) / 10,
    color = "white"
# add the layer
fig <- plotly::add_surface(
  p = fig,
  z = sqrt(test),
  opacity = 0.8,
  colorscale = "Hot",
  cmin = min(sqrt(test)),
  cmax = max(sqrt(test)),
  colorbar = list(title = "counts (sqrt)")
# add some legends
fig <- plotly::layout(
  title = '3D density plot',
  scene1 = list(
    xaxis = list(title = "x"),
    yaxis = list(title = "y"),
    zaxis = list(title = "counts (sqrt)")