create an object of class tracklets
from a list of tracklets.
- tracklets
A list of data frame containing tracklets information. The presence of x, y coordinates and time column named as x.pos, y.pos and frame is necessary for each tracklets.
# generate some dummy tracklets
## start to specify some parameters to generate tracklets
TrackN <- 500 # the number of tracklet to simulate
TrackL <- 1:1000 # the length of the tracklets or a sequence to randomly sample tracklet length
TrackList <- stats::setNames(lapply(lapply(seq(TrackN), function(i)
trajr::TrajGenerate(sample(TrackL, 1), random = TRUE, fps = 1)), function(j)
x.pos = j$x - min(j$x),
y.pos = j$y - min(j$y),
frame = j$time
)), seq(TrackN))
test <- trackletsClass(TrackList)