Determine active or inactive states according to the speed of a particles along its trajectory.
Given a data frames containing tracking information for a given tracklet including speed, this function return a vector containing numeric values indicating whether the particle is "active" (1) or "inactive" (0).
- df
A data frame containing x and y coordinates in columns named "x.pos", "y.pos" for a given tracklet, as well as a column containing the speed of the particle, whatever the unit, over the tracklet.
- speedCol
A character string corresponding to the name of the column containing the speed of the particles over the tracklet, whatever the unit.
- minSpeed
A numeric value expressed in the same unit than speed, corresponding to the threshold above which the particle is considered as active.
This function returns a vector containing numeric values indicating whether the particle is "active" (1) or "inactive" (0).
# generate a dummy tracklet
## start to specify some parameters to generate the tracklet
TrackL <-
100 # the length of the tracklet or a sequence to randomly sample tracklet's length
TrackDatTemp <-
trajr::TrajGenerate(sample(TrackL, 1), random = TRUE, fps = 1)
TrackDat <- data.frame(
x.pos = TrackDatTemp[["x"]] - min(TrackDatTemp[["x"]]),
y.pos = TrackDatTemp[["y"]] - min(TrackDatTemp[["y"]]),
frame = TrackDatTemp[["time"]]
# compute the speed of the particle along its trajectory
TrackDat[["speed"]] <-
# we can then define the speed treshold above which the particle is considered actives using quantiles
# here we use the 0.025 quantile to find the minimum speed treshold
tresh <-
quantile(log10(TrackDat[["speed"]][[["speed"]])]), 0.025)
abline(v = tresh)
TrackDat[["activity1"]] <-
MoveR::activity1(TrackDat, speedCol = "speed", minSpeed = 10 ^ tresh)
# draw the particle' trajectory and spot the inactive moments using red dots
add2It = list(points(
TrackDat[["x.pos"]][which(TrackDat[["activity1"]] == 0)],
TrackDat[["y.pos"]][which(TrackDat[["activity1"]] == 0)],
col = "red",
pch = 19,
cex = 1.5