Determine active or inactive states according to density based clustering method.
Given an object of class "tracklets" containing a list of tracklets which contain two variable of interest the function use density based clustering as introduced in Ester et al. (1996). As a result, the function use the DBSCAN method from Hennig (2020) to discriminate active and inactive states in a 2d space by returning numeric values indicating whether the particle is "active" (1) or "inactive" (0).
var1 = NULL,
var2 = NULL,
var1T = NULL,
var2T = NULL,
nbins = NULL,
eps = NULL,
minPts = NULL,
scale = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE
- trackDat
An object of class "tracklets" containing a list of tracklets and their characteristics classically used for further computations.
- var1
A character string indicating the name of the variable to use as the first dimension.
- var2
A character string indicating the name of the variable to use as the second dimension.
- var1T
A function used to transform var1 (e.g., log, sqrt - optional).
- var2T
A function used to transform var2 (e.g., log, sqrt - optional).
- nbins
A numeric value indicating the number of bins in both vertical and horizontal directions (default = 100).
- eps
A numeric value specifying the reachability distance (Ester et al., 1996), which correspond to the maximum distance around cluster's members (see
).- minPts
A numeric value specifying the reachability minimum no. of points (Ester et al., 1996), which correspond to the minimum number of point per cluster (see
).- scale
A logical value (i.e., TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the data should be centered (i.e., values minus the mean) and scaled (divided by the standard deviation) (default = TRUE).
- na.rm
A logical value (i.e., TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds (default = TRUE).
This function returns the results of the classification (actives vs. inactives) as numeric value (1 or 0, respectively) appended to each tracklet of the "tracklets" object.
Christian, H., (2020). fpc: Flexible Procedures for Clustering. R package version 2.2-9.
Ester, M., Kriegel H.P., Sander, J., Xu X., (1996). A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise. Institute for Computer Science, University of Munich. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-96).
if (FALSE) {
# Download the first dataset from the sample data repository
Path2Data <- MoveR::DLsampleData(dataSet = 1, tracker = "TRex")
# Import the list containing the 9 vectors classically used for further computation
trackDat <- MoveR::readTrex(Path2Data[[1]])
# infinite values that are present in the tracking output should be removed
## define the filter
filter.Inf <-
toFilter = "x.pos",
customFunc = function(x)
### filter Infinite values
trackDat.Infilt <-
filter = filter.Inf,
splitCond = TRUE,
minDur = 100)
### retrieve the list of tracklets
trackdat2 <- trackDat.Infilt[[2]]
# check the tracklet
# add some metric to the dataset to perform 2d clustering (speed and turning angle)
# and smooth them by computing the mean value over a 10 frames' sliding window
Tstep = 10
trackdat3 <-
customFunc = list(
# specify a first function to compute speed over each tracklet (a modulus present within the MoveR package)
speed = function(x)
# compute turning angle in radians over each tracklet (a modulus present within the MoveR package)
TurnAngle = function(x)
# smooth variance of turning angles
SlideVarAngle = function (y)
Tstep = Tstep,
statistic = 'circular.var',
na.rm = TRUE),
# smooth speed
slideMeanSpeed = function (y)
Tstep = Tstep,
statistic = 'mean',
na.rm = TRUE)
# use density based clustering to classify actives and inactives states in a 2 dimension array (here the speed and the angle variance)
trackdat3 <- MoveR::activity2(
var1 = "slideMeanSpeed",
var2 = "SlideVarAngle",
var1T = log10,
nbins = 100,
eps = 0.15,
minPts = 5,
scale = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE
## optional, it is possible to draw the distribution of the count in 2 dimension space
# compute the count matrix in the 2d space with the same parameter than activity2 function
trackDatL <- MoveR::convert2List(trackdat3)
outP <- MoveR::countMat(x = log10(trackDatL[["slideMeanSpeed"]]),
y = trackDatL[["SlideVarAngle"]],
groups = trackDatL[["activity2"]],
nbins = 100,
output = "matrix")
# retrieve max and min value of sqrt-transformed count over the groups for plotting
maxVal <- max(unlist(lapply(outP, function(z) max(sqrt(z)))))
minVal <- min(unlist(lapply(outP, function(z) min(sqrt(z)))))
# draw the plot using plotly (3d interactive plot)
fig <- plotly::plot_ly(x=~colnames(outP[[1]]), y=~rownames(outP[[1]]), contours = list(
z = list(
show = TRUE,
start = round(minVal,-2),
project = list(z = TRUE),
end = round(maxVal,-2),
size = max(maxVal) / 10,
color = "white"
# add inactive layer
fig <- plotly::add_surface(
p = fig,
z = sqrt(outP[[1]]),
opacity = 0.8,
colorscale = "Hot",
cmin = min(sqrt(outP[[1]])),
cmax = max(sqrt(outP[[1]])),
colorbar = list(title = "inactive\ncounts (sqrt)")
# add active layer
fig <- plotly::add_surface(
p = fig,
z = sqrt(outP[[2]]),
opacity = 1,
colorscale = list(
c(0, 0.25, 1),
c("rgb(20,20,20)", "rgb(58,139,44)", "rgb(234,239,226)")
colorbar = list(title = "active\ncounts (sqrt)")
fig <- plotly::layout(
title = '3D density plot of activity states',
scene1 = list(
xaxis = list(title = "slideMeanSpeed (log10)"),
yaxis = list(title = "slideVarAngle"),
zaxis = list(title = "counts (sqrt)")
# draw the particle' trajectory and spot the inactive moments using red dots
cex.start = 0.1,
add2It = list(for (i in seq_along(trackdat3)) {
trackdat3[[i]][["x.pos"]][which(trackdat3[[i]][["activity2"]] == 0)],
trackdat3[[i]][["y.pos"]][which(trackdat3[[i]][["activity2"]] == 0)],
col = "red",
pch = 19,
cex = 1.5